Wall vs Software Comparison

What you getWallStarterROFROF PlusPremium
At the speed of sight
Best For$2,500
discontinued (on eBay for $2,500)
$19 / Month$29 / Month$39 / Month$59 / Month
Amazing instantaneous comprehension driven by a finger pushing a Vertebral Switch and being rewarded by an illuminating animation of Nerves and Organs!!!
Simple ROF
Pain Conditions to Spine Plus a Simple Chiropractic Overview Presentation
Show you know what they feel
Ability to switch Nerve graphics to Muscles or Dermatomes or Sensory Conditions while still showing the Autonomic Nervous System correlated from the Spine. And from Anatomy to the Spine.
Add Muscles and Dermatomes
Explanation of Subluxation, Causes of Subluxation, Posture Organ to Condition
Conditions to Organ

Organs to Nutrition
More than just nerves ROF
Subluxation, Correction Steps, Degeneration, Interactive Posture Explanation, Disc Anatomy with Degeneration, Herniation/Rupture and Decompression Discussions.
What is Chiropractic and How It helps Nerves, Posture and Discs
3D Spinal ZOOM
Sexy ROF
Visit 1 Presentation Visit 2 Presentation Visit 3 Presentation
3 Day Orientation
Cellular Performance Presentation Neuropathy Presentation
For Neuropathy as well as for Health
181 Patient Lecture Screens,
28 Ergonomic Discussions,
70+ Pages to engage young children, Recovery / Soft Tissue Module, Presentation Editor Engine,
Kiosk (Patient Self-Education),
Add your own pix. ppts & links.

Daily Talks, Lectures & Kiosk
Whiplash Presentation with 3D videos and 3D Zoom and rotate Shoulders, Elbow, hand Hip, Knee and Foot.
Whiplash Plus 3D Extremities
HealthAligner Mobile App on patient’s phone or tablet.
FREE for your patients!
Your listing in the directory.

Patients learn all about you. Patients learn all about Chiropractic. Patients can call or email you.
Give your patients a FREE mobile app and have a listing in the directory
Simple Listing Basic anatomySimple Listing Basic anatomyEnhanced Listing Basic AnatomyEnhanced Listing Robust Anatomy
Additional investment to put it into
#1 a second or third room,
#2 or a forth or fifth,
#3 or more
How Many Walls?$2,500 per room1 computer Extras $9 each2 computers Extras $9 each2 computers Extras $9 each3 computers Extras $9 each
Jan 6, 2023

Visual Odyssey