Unlock your Treasure Chest of More Patient Visits!
I’m offering you the Key to Making 2018 Great!
What do I know about boosting patient visits? In 1976, that’s right over 40 years ago, I invented the Neuropatholator for that specific purpose. I was only 25 with an electrical engineering background, a BFA in sculpture, a passion for health food and yoga and my fiancé had a trampoline injured neck. Her Chiropractor helped her immensely and we embarked on a challenge to create a compelling, exciting and memorable demonstration of the consequences of a subluxation. The Neuropatholator was born. Never did I imagine at the time that over 4 decades later I’d still be helping thousands of Chiropractors all over the world.
Here’s a recent email from one of my original clients:
“This note is long over due. I’ve had your products since its inception (the 1970’s) & now have 5 of them, Plus the software. It has helped me educate my patients over the years and increased my PVA’s, not by 5-10 but by 50-60 more visits per patient, thus helping me maintain a high volume practice since the 70’s. It’s helped more than any other educational tool.
I also use your Neuropatholator Software on my adjusting computers all day long.
“Visual Odyssey has made my life so much easier. Thank you for all your help over the years. Keep the passion.” ~ Dr. Ernie Landi

You are in control of a massive library of Chiropractic discussions because they are literally under your thumb.
Pretty nice, huh? That’s why I still do this…. For all the Thank You’s and Lifetime Patients.
In 2001, I created software to turbo charge your practice further.
And NOW, I’ll help you turn your TV into an awesome, interactive referral and retention generator.
Hundreds of Chiropractic discussions with presentations, graphics and animations are under your thumb!
Get proactive for the New Year and
Click here to go the the Neuropatholator Store to
order software and hardware to enjoy effortless patient inspiration.
The Neuropatholator Starter Software
Our special Neuropatholator Mini Computer / Mouse package
is only $644 ($397 + 247) and is ready to plug into your TV.
The Key to the Treasure fits in the palm of your hand.

The Key to the PVA Treasure Chest is this Windows 10 Computer we preload with the wonderful Neuropatholator Software. It fits in your hand and hides behind your TV.
It’s called the Neuropatholator Starter because you get
the equivalent of our Famous Neuropatholator System 3 on your TV
and you can always add more discussions and demonstrations as you go.
(*we can instantly turn on hundreds of other features for you – so get them when you need them!)
Want to talk to me about making your best decision?
Call 770-646-8031 – M-Th 9:30 to 4:30 eastern time.
If I’m on the other line, please leave two good times I might reach you.
Of course, you are protected by my 40+ years of experience in creating Happy Chiropractors
Our Money Back Guarantee!
Thank you and have a Wonderful 2018!!
Bruce Goldsmith
Visual Odyssey