Join the thousands of DCs who know!
Try it and You decide for yourself...
~ Dr. Dave Peavy
“If you are not using the awesome "aha moment" power that Neuropatholator software provides your patients, this is your chance. We have used Neuropatholators since 1982 and would not practice without them.
“The software version is packed with so much patient "Visual WOW!" you will be amazed how well patients see for themselves what you are trying to tell them.
Please do not deny them the Neuropatholator's powerful educational impact. It’s for your patients’ benefit, so they can see and place your Chiropractic care in the "Necessary Healthcare" category on their priority & budget list.
“It is the single best investment in patient compliance you will ever make. It is a very valuable patient educating machine! If you have the Neuropatholator, then you already know!”
~ Dr. Ed Fliss
"Visual Odyssey makes the only program I've used that has met the challenge of educating rapidly and memorably it and continues to allow our office to be very successful working 20 hours a week. Why does it work so effectively?
"The Neuropatholator software takes advantage of how most people learn: it beautifully demonstrates with flashing “lights” on the computer how getting their spine fixed will improve the function of their organs and therefore improve the quality and possibly the quantity of their lives.
"This is the “most important tool’ in my office after the telephone. I do not see how any chiropractor could be successful without it. How can patients learn what you do without “'Seeing' which is 'Believing'."
Z= O= O= O= O= M= ... your way
to new patients and compliance.
1. You get 44 years of Visual Odyssey experience in instant, dramatic patient education.
2. You get the same immense customer satisfaction that has been overwhelmingly demonstrated in over 30 countries!!!
Most of the software is now available in over 10 languages at the click of a setting.
3. You get lots of new patients with this nearly unlimited potential.
4. You enjoy patients who follow through because they understand that it’s the ‘naturally right’ thing to do.
5. You get a tool that continues to perform all day long.
6. Small monthly subscription amount recovered in less than a patient visit.
Just click the button below or
pick up the phone and call to get started.
800-541-4449 or 770-646-8031.